1 Simple Example Data 2 Load {dplyr} package 3 Function 1: inner_join 4 Function 2: left_join 5 Function 3: right_join 6 Function 4: full_join 7 Function 5: semi_join 8 Function 6: anti_join 9 Complex Example 1: Join Multiple Data Frames 10 Complex example 2: Join by Multiple Columns 11 Complex example 3: Join Data & Delete ID I always wanted to write a blog post summarizing the join function.
1 Types of Unusual Observations 1.1 Regression Outliers 1.2 Leverage 1.3 Influential Observations 1.4 Good vs. Bad Leverage 2 Detecting Influential Observations 2.1 Graphic diagnostics 2.1.1 A scatter plot with Confidence Ellipse 2.1.2 Quantile Comparison Plots (QQ-Plot) Rule of Thumb 2.1.3 Added-variable plots 2.2 Numerical diagnostics 2.2.1 Hat Matrix Rule of Thumb 2.2.2 Standardized Residuals Rule of Thumb 2.2.3 Studentized Residuals 2.